Foot Pain Identifier

Upper Foot

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Upper Foot

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by

Chronic Conditions
Ankle Impingement (Anterior)
Ankle Arthritis
Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis
Acute Conditions
Ankle Fracture

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Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Ankle Impingement*
Ankle Arthritis
Talar Osteochondral Lesion (OCL) / (Osteochondritis Dissecans [OCD])
Navicular Stress Fracture
Talonavicular Arthritis
Acute Conditions
Ankle Fracture
High Ankle Sprain
Talar Neck Fracture

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Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Lateral Column Overload
Acute Conditions
5th Metatarsal Fracture
Dancer’s Fracture
bones Fracture
Lisfranc Injury / Fracture

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Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Morton’s Neuroma
Rheumatoid Forefoot Deformity
Acute Conditions
Metatarsal Fracture
2nd Metatarsal Stress Fracture

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Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Acute Conditions
5th Metatarsal Neck Fracture
5th Metatarsal Fracture

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Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Morton’s Neuroma
Toenail Fungus
Ingrown Toenails
Acute Conditions
Toes (Phalangeal) Fracture

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Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Morton’s Neuroma
Rheumatoid Forefoot Deformity
Acute Conditions
Metatarsal Fracture
Stress Fracture – 2nd Metatarsal

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Hallux Rigidus*
Bunions (Hallux Valgus)
Acute Conditions
Turf Toe

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Bunions (Hallux Valgus)*
Acute Conditions
Turf Toe

Outer Side Foot

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Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Peroneal Tendonitis*
Painful Hardware
Subluxing Peroneal Tendons

Acute Conditions
Ankle Fracture
Acute Peroneal Tendonitis

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Achilles Tendonitis*

Acute Conditions
Achilles Tendon Rupture*

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Overload Heel Pain

Acute Conditions
Calcaneal Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Lateral Column Overload

Acute Conditions
Dancer’s Fracture*
Jones Fracture
5th Metatarsal Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions

Acute Conditions
5th Metatarsal Fracture
5th Metatarsal Neck Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Toenail Fungus
Ingrown Toenail

Acute Conditions
Toes (Phalangeal) Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Morton’s Neuroma

Acute Conditions
Metatarsal Fracture

Under Foot

Please click on the foot to know more about your pain

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Acute Conditions
Turf Toe
Stress Fracture – Sesamoid

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Diabetic Forefoot Ulcer
Plantar Warts

Acute Conditions
5th Metatarsal Neck Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Ingrown Toenail
Toenail Fungus

Acute Conditions
Toes (Phalangeal) Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Lateral Column Overload

Acute Conditions
5th Metatarsal Fracture*
Dancer’s Fracture
Jones Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Overload Heel Pain*

Acute Conditions
Calcaneal Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Plantar Fasciitis*
Overload Heel Pain

Calcaneal Fracture

Inner Side Foot

Please click on the foot to know more about your pain

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Achilles Tendonitis*

Acute Conditions
Achilles Tendon Rupture*

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Plantar Fasciitis*
Overload Heel Pain Syndrome

Acute Conditions
Calcaneal Fracture

Pain in this area of the foot could be caused by
Chronic Conditions
Midfoot Arthritis
Tarsal Boss

Acute Conditions
Lisfranc Injury / Fracture