Going For Foot Surgery? 5 Things EVERY Patient Should Keep In Mind

Undergoing surgery to restore the function of feet is imperative for patients suffering from foot conditions. Here’s what to consider when undergoing foot surgery.

So you have been recommended to undergo surgery for your orthopedic foot conditions. But, with the date of operation coming up, are you wondering if you are ready for surgical treatment? Perplexed if surgery is really appropriate for alleviating your discomfort? Fear not! All you need to do is consider a few factors before your foot surgery.

Whether you are dealing with a deformity, a painful foot injury or a disease, consulting a podiatrist can be your most viable option. With their extensive knowledge, leading podiatrists can suggest the best treatment to help you relieve pain and live a healthy, normal lifestyle. But, there are certain conditions which necessitate treating with surgical methods, or the condition may get worse. It is here that the need for undergoing feet surgery comes to the picture.

Here’s what you should take into consideration before undergoing surgery for your foot conditions.


Foot SurgeryVital Aspects To Keep In Mind When Choosing Foot Surgery

Ask Questions To The Podiatrist

Patients need to be confident, knowledgeable and comfortable as possible both before and after the surgery. This is because; the more informed you are, the better decisions you can make and the better prepared you are for aftercare. So, instead of being afraid to ask questions, consider asking your doctor to clarify anything you don’t understand.

Quit Alcohol & Smoking

Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption can have a significantly negative effect on the surgery and can reduce your blood circulation. This increases the risk of post-surgical complications and infections to a great extent. Cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking can slow down your healing process after the surgery. So, the earlier you give up smoking and alcohol, the better.

Take Your Pre-Surgical Instructions Seriously

The best podiatrist will give you a list of instructions which you need to follow for the day of surgery. For instance, if your surgical method requires general anaesthesia, the specialist may ask not to eat or drink anything after midnight. Some of the other common instructions which you may need to follow include bringing essential documents and wearing loose-fitted clothes. Keep in mind that following these instructions is important for your health.

Prepare For Your Recovery Beforehand

Almost every surgery involves some downtime during the recovery process. While you may be allowed moderate weight bearing right away in minor procedures, you need to keep your feet off completely for a few weeks in the more serious ones. Think about how such kind of reduced mobility will affect your ability to accomplish basic tasks like bathing, sleeping, cooking, etc. and prepare for them proactively.

Follow The After-Care Instructions

The success of any surgical procedure ultimately depends on how efficiently you manage your aftercare. Your doctor will give timelines and instructions on matters like diet, bathing, weight bearing, rehab and you need to take them to heart. Keep in mind that disregarding the instructions will affect your healing process.

Time to schedule an appointment with a reputed podiatrist!

Suffering From Diabetes? 5 Foot Care Tips For Healthy Summer Feet

Do you know you might be at increased risk for foot problems and infections during the summer if you are diabetic? Well, for patients diagnosed with diabetes, even simple activities like wearing sandals or going barefoot on the beach during summer can be dangerous. Wondering how to enjoy the summer months even with diabetes? Fear not! All you need is summer foot care.

Foot Care Treatment

Diabetes has taken over the world like an epidemic. People with diabetes suffer from abnormal blood sugar levels. And, with the summer heat being rife with dangers which are specific to diabetic patients, experts say that steps need to be taken to maintain proper blood sugar level. This is because high blood sugar levels may cause nerve damage and infections leading to diabetic foot. If not treated properly, this can be double trouble since it can lead to foot amputation.

Here’re some suggestions you must follow for ensuring healthy feet during the summer months.

Useful Summer Foot Care Tips For People With Diabetes

Maintain Proper Blood Sugar Levels

Patients suffering from diabetes need to keep a proper blood sugar level of 80 to 130 mg/dL before food and not more than 180 mg/dL 2 hours after having food. Exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet and taking proper medication as prescribed by the doctor can help in ensuring proper glucose levels.

Inspect Your Feet Regularly

When was the last time you took a careful look at your feet? For patients suffering from diabetes, it’s important to inspect their feet daily. Podiatrists suggest people with diabetes to check their feet both before putting shoes on and after taking them off. You need to check on your toes, between your toes as well as in your shoe for any kind of debris.

Visit A Chiropodist

Scheduling appointments with the best chiropodist on a regular basis is important for patients suffering from diabetes. During the hot summer months, your feet are at increased risk for fungal infections due to excess moisture and heat. So, visiting your chiropodist regularly during the summer months can help in ensuring healthy feet as much as possible.

Avoid Walking Barefoot

Taking a barefoot walk through the sand can indeed be very tempting. But ocean debris, broken glass, and seashells can affect the skin of your feet, causing infection. Even sidewalks or hot sand can cause burns on your feet. So, it is always advisable to wear shoes whenever you go outside.

Moisturise Your Feet

Using lotion is important for diabetic patients, especially during the hot summer months since it is easy for the skin on their feet to dry out. Experts advise you to apply a thin coat of the lotion on the bottom as well as top of your feet. However, you should avoid putting the lotion in between the toes. This is because; excess moisture often leads to fungal infections.

Time to schedule an appointment with a leading podiatrist!