Want To Make Your Feet Soft? 5 Easy Foot Care Tips In Surrey

Everyone suffering from cracked heels will know how painful and embarrassing the issue is. Not only walking becomes difficult but you also have to look for innovative ways to keep the cracked feet hidden. Whatever has caused those cracked feet; they are quite uncomfortable and gradually lead to bleeding and pain. This is why everyone tries to keep their foot soft by staying away from improper diet, dehydration and wrong footwear. If the normal pedicure tips are not helping, get in touch with experienced foot surgeons and they will craft a routine pedicure for you.

Few Easy Foot Care Tips In Surrey You Can Include In Your Routine Pedicure

  • Use Banana

Being a tropical fruit, bananas can offer a wide variety of health benefits. Feel free to use it even if you are suffering from extensive cracked feet as it not only helps in curing the issue but creating the banana paste is also quite easy. Just take a few ripe bananas and mix them well in the mixer. Spread it evenly in your feet and allow it to dry before washing it off using warm water.

  • Follow A Daily Cleaning Regime

Strictly following a foot cleaning regime on a daily basis is a must if you are looking for the best foot care treatment. Cleaning the feet regularly helps in getting rid of dead cells which accumulate on your skin with the passage of time. Cleaning the feet keeps the skin protected and prevents them from peeling off and drying. Follow the foot cleaning regime before you go to sleep every night.

  • Use Cleaning Needles

The easiest way to remove dirt from the thumbs and toenails is by using dirt cleaning needles made especially for feet. Though using cleaning needles to keep your feet dirt-free is quite effective, getting it done from experienced foot surgeons is always advisable as they ensure that the needles don’t prick inside the nails.

  • Trim Toenails Frequently

Every professional offering foot care in Surrey suggests their clients to trim the toenails on a regular basis. Not only are long toenails unhygienic but also unsafe. Dirt starts accumulating inside those long toenails and so they don’t look stylish anymore. Unless you want them to break and come off with the live skin, trim them before they become too long.

  • Try Baking Soda

Not everyone knows that using baking soda helps keep your feet soft . All you need to do is to take some warm water and add two tablespoons of baking soda. Let your feet soak in the solution for around half an hour. Adding bath salts in it will also help in maximising the benefits. The muscles are eased and the skin softens.

These being said, it’s time you follow the foot care tips stated above and make your foot softer will become easier.

Considering Bunion Treatment? Here’s Your Ultimate Guide!

Have you been suffering from a bump on the outer edge of your big toe? Do you think your big toe is moving and pointing in towards your second toe? Experienced foot doctors consider this physical deformity at the base of your big toe as a bunion.

Bunions are structural problems where the joint of your big toe becomes subluxed and drifts towards the smaller toes. It is an enlargement of tissue or bone around the big toe joint. Women seeking medical advice about bunions is more than ten times higher than men and it is thought this is down to footwear choices such as high heels.

Though bunions may start of as a minor issue at first, over time, they can develop into a severe foot deformity. Seeking the assistance of a certified foot doctor is a great way to cure this painful foot condition, despite its severity. While some patients begin their treatment with the smallest bunion, we see lots of clients who have waited until problem has become severe.

Here’s all you need to know about Bunions.

What Causes Bunions?

It is believed that a distortion of the bone is caused by various genetic factors which can lead to the development of bunions.

Other factors which can lead to bunion include-

  • Previous foot injury
  • Loose ligaments
  • Arthritis
  • Abnormal development of your foot
Symptoms You Need Bunion Treatment

Bunions may or may not cause any symptoms. Symptoms include-

  • Joint stiffness or pain
  • Joint redness
  • Enlargement or swelling at the base of the big toe
  • Displacement of the big toe
  • Bony bump which feels tender to touch
  • Skin irritation over the enlarged area
When To Call A Foot Doctor?

Consider calling in an experienced foot doctor if-

  • Your big toe is beginning to overlap your second toe
  • You suffer from severe big toe pain
  • Foot pain interferes with your daily or walking activities
  • Pain in the big toe does not get better after 2-3 weeks rest
Treatment For Bunions

There are treatments you can buy ver the counter to help treat a bunion at home, however, it is always wise to consult a skilled foot specialist for advanced bunion treatment. At first, your doctor will check why you have got bunions. This cause will affect the treatment you need. Your doctor may recommend a prescription or over-the-counter pain reliever and medicines to relieve pain and swelling.

Some other treatment options for bunions include custom-made orthotics, arch supports and custom-made footwear. Each of these may change the way muscles, bones and ligaments of the foot work together. Though these will not cure the bunion, they will definitely help in relieving some structural problems.

Can A Bunion Be Prevented?

Bunions, when identified early can be slowed or stopped during their development. Delaying the progression of bunions and preventing the symptoms rely on wearing proper footwear. In case you have bunions, you may relieve foot pain and prevent the progression of your condition by wearing proper shoes which are customised to fit your feet and accommodate your condition.

So what’s still holding you back? Visit a renowned podiatric clinic and fix your appointment with a leading podiatrist!

How to Take Care of Your Feet on a Regular Basis

On the feet throughout the day? Being on the go ensures your feet take pounding almost every day. But how often you take care of your achy and tired feet? Actually not only you, most of us tend to avoid our part of foot care. Rather it is very common to ask a family member or friend for a back rub instead of something to pamper and soothe the toes. This is important to let you know that having achy, tired and sore feet can be anything more than just a nuisance, getting in the way of actual foot function and throwing off the natural way of running, walking and even standing.

Foot Pain

Thus you need to spend a little time to indulge your feet. Here are some effective and soothing ways for showing them a little care and love.

Soaking feet in lukewarm water with Epsom salt

Epsom salt contains sulfate and magnesium. It helps reducing aches, soreness and Foot Pain. It also helps to reduce inflammation, improves blood circulation and deodorizes the feet. Take a basin of warm water. Add half cup Epsom salt in it. Now soak the feet inside the water and relax for 15 to 20 minutes. Both sulfate and magnesium can be absorbed by the skin and that helps to soothe the muscles and reduces swelling. Start with a session of 8 to 12 minutes until it turns into a relaxing habit that you don’t want to skip.

Doing some stretching

Stretching the feet for a few minutes would work significantly to strengthen the bones and muscles. It can be done in two ways:

  • Remove shoes and just move the feet around to stretch. Flex the feet and point toes in different directions to make a good effort to extend them quite deeply. To stretch the ankle and heel, lean against wall with one foot back and then push down through ankle and calf. The same stretch can be done by supporting the forefoot on a stair while letting the heel to stretch back toward ground.
  • Roll your foot on a tennis ball. It is a fantastic way to stretch bones and muscles of the feet. Place the ball on the floor and roll the arches of feet on it to lessen tension. Now press the foot down as hard as possible sans causing any pain to get the most of it. You can do it anytime like when you watch TV, relax in the lawn or even in the office (not publicly).

Wearing right footwear

If you have to be on your feet all through the day, you must wear comfortable shoes. You should choose a pair of shoes that provides support to the arches of the feet. Make sure your shoes don’t hurt any part of the feet and allows sufficient space in the toe box. In case of high arches, shoes with straps, buckles and laces will be good. Shoes that can support the arch would keep the feet in good shape.

These are just a few ways to keep your feet healthy.