Dealing with the Pain after Foot Surgery in Surrey has Become Easier

Whether you are suffering from a minor issue in your foot or facing a chronic pain, one of the easiest methods of getting rid of the pain is a foot surgery. Podiatrists are aware of the fact that every foot surgery differs and even the advantages you can reap by undergoing it. In spite of numerous advantages, there are a few patients who are still afraid of undergoing the surgery because they fear the post-operative pain. If you are one of them, stop worrying about the pain and start looking for an experienced foot surgeon as the pain can be easily managed.

5 Cool Tips To Control The Pain After A Foot Surgery in Surrey

  • Foot Elevation

One of the most common ways of reducing the pain in your feet is by elevating it around 5 to 17 inches above the heart. The swelling reduces and gradually the pain decreases. Your Chiropodist in Surrey will suggest you to lie down on your sofa or bed and put two pillows under the foot to elevate it.

  • Ice

Controlling the pain in your foot will become easier if you fill a plastic bag with ice and apply it to the area which is paining. Apply it after every 10 to 15 minutes and keep on repeating the process. Make sure you don’t use it when your foot is numb as it can cause frostbite. The effect of cooling will be less if there is a thick dressing over the operated area.

  • Modify Your Activities

If you generally engage in activities where you have to dangle down your foot for a longer period of time, it is better to avoid such activities after the operation. Stay away from shopping excursions as you have to stand in long queues for quite a few minutes or hours. Have a talk with your Podiatrist in Surrey and ask them which activities require modification during the first few weeks.

  • Compression

Not everyone undergoing the surgery is aware of the fact that compression can help a great deal in minimising the chances of deep vein thrombosis. Whether compression will work on the operated area or not is generally dependent on the type of surgery you have undergone. You don’t have to worry about blood clots if you can wear a compression stocking.

  • Showering

Though taking a shower is a must in our day-to-day life, have a talk with your foot surgeon about the right manner of showering if you are willing to optimise your safety after a foot surgery in Surrey. They will suggest you to use a plastic or wooden shower tool while showering or a regular chair. Take the aid of a human assistance when getting in or out of the shower or put grab bars at suitable locations near the shower.

Since you are now aware of a few easy tips to reduce the pain in your foot after a surgery, it’s time you approach the best podiatrist for the surgery without worrying about the pain.

How to Take Care of Your Feet on a Regular Basis

On the feet throughout the day? Being on the go ensures your feet take pounding almost every day. But how often you take care of your achy and tired feet? Actually not only you, most of us tend to avoid our part of foot care. Rather it is very common to ask a family member or friend for a back rub instead of something to pamper and soothe the toes. This is important to let you know that having achy, tired and sore feet can be anything more than just a nuisance, getting in the way of actual foot function and throwing off the natural way of running, walking and even standing.

Foot Pain

Thus you need to spend a little time to indulge your feet. Here are some effective and soothing ways for showing them a little care and love.

Soaking feet in lukewarm water with Epsom salt

Epsom salt contains sulfate and magnesium. It helps reducing aches, soreness and Foot Pain. It also helps to reduce inflammation, improves blood circulation and deodorizes the feet. Take a basin of warm water. Add half cup Epsom salt in it. Now soak the feet inside the water and relax for 15 to 20 minutes. Both sulfate and magnesium can be absorbed by the skin and that helps to soothe the muscles and reduces swelling. Start with a session of 8 to 12 minutes until it turns into a relaxing habit that you don’t want to skip.

Doing some stretching

Stretching the feet for a few minutes would work significantly to strengthen the bones and muscles. It can be done in two ways:

  • Remove shoes and just move the feet around to stretch. Flex the feet and point toes in different directions to make a good effort to extend them quite deeply. To stretch the ankle and heel, lean against wall with one foot back and then push down through ankle and calf. The same stretch can be done by supporting the forefoot on a stair while letting the heel to stretch back toward ground.
  • Roll your foot on a tennis ball. It is a fantastic way to stretch bones and muscles of the feet. Place the ball on the floor and roll the arches of feet on it to lessen tension. Now press the foot down as hard as possible sans causing any pain to get the most of it. You can do it anytime like when you watch TV, relax in the lawn or even in the office (not publicly).

Wearing right footwear

If you have to be on your feet all through the day, you must wear comfortable shoes. You should choose a pair of shoes that provides support to the arches of the feet. Make sure your shoes don’t hurt any part of the feet and allows sufficient space in the toe box. In case of high arches, shoes with straps, buckles and laces will be good. Shoes that can support the arch would keep the feet in good shape.

These are just a few ways to keep your feet healthy.