A Flat Foot May Not be Dangerous But Painful

It’s accepted everywhere that flat feet are a condition affecting adults from different age groups. The condition is characterised by the absence of the foot arch. This foot condition can sometimes affect individuals who want to join the defence or the military department where meeting different health parameters is necessary. A lot of people suffering from flat foot feel that their chances of getting disqualified at the military enlistment are higher.

In reality, however, a flat foot is not considered a disqualifying health condition. The candidate may get disqualified if he shows symptoms of symptomatic flat feet. Any kind of detrimental sign can prevent the candidate from securing a job in the military. This is why it is important for aspirants who wish to join the defence, to meet a podiatrist who may suggest a foot surgery in Surrey, if required.

foot surgery

An Insight into flat feet 

Before anyone tells you about flat feet being a primary concern for military disqualification, it is important that you understand the problem at first. Such condition arises due to postural deformity resulting in a sudden collapse of the foot arch. A higher percentage of the population faces this foot problem. However, the condition is not referred to as life threatening. Medical interventions like foot surgery in Dorking may become necessary if the deformity progresses and becomes more painful.

Strange fact 

Now, this will seem really strange to you. There are babies who are born with absolutely no arch at all. Meanwhile, as they turn 4-5 years of age, these little ones start growing an arch on both feet.

Causes of flat foot 

You may have seen people suffering from flat feet and some of them undergoing foot surgery in Surrey. Medical interventions become necessary at times when the disorder turns painful. The main causes behind flat feet include:

  • Genetic inheritance may cause flat foot. If your ancestors had a flat foot, chances are high that you or your offspring may develop this condition.
  • A weaker arch that cannot support the feet when a person stands is considered a primary reason for the occurrence of flat foot.
  • Sometimes fallen arches cause flat foot. In older people suffering from diabetes, obesity and blood pressure problems, chances of facing flat foot turn higher. A person who has had previous surgery in the posterior tibial tendon may also face flat foot.

Seek foot surgery in Dorking if you are facing excessive problems in your feet because they lack a full arch.

Take it Easy, Get Treated For Bunions and Free Yourself from Pain

Have you recently noticed a bony bump rising near the big toe, causing it to lean towards the other toes? This didn’t just happen in one day. It took months or years maybe, to develop. While focussing on other parts of the body most of you ignore the lower limbs which give you support and allow you to move. Lack of foot and lower limb care can result in disorders such as bunions, the bony bump you have noticed on your foot.

It’s mainly a progressive disorder of the bone, which can later cause intolerable pain and inhibit your ability to walk. In order to correct this disorder, it is recommended that you seek bunion treatment available at foot care clinics in Surrey and in Dorking.

Bunion treatment

Don’t Be Afraid Of a Bunion, Know How it Occurs 

Being scared of seeing the bony growth will not help you. Bunions have a scientific name. It’s referred to as hallux valgus. Mainly caused due to structural problems with the foot or toe, this outgrowth appears at the metatarsophalangeal joint. Bunions cause the big toe to incline towards the remaining toes disrupting the straightness of the bone.

As the big toe pushes itself towards the adjacent toes the joint spurts out. This leads to a disorder. However, a study has shown that adults tend to get more affected than younger individuals. Nevertheless, adolescents too are not often spared. When the bones present in the foot are not properly aligned or have undergone pressure, bunions start to appear. Its fact that some individuals may not even face symptoms associated with hallux valgus.

The Major Factor Behind the Occurrence of Bunions 

The bony structure that has popped up at the big toe junction may have been caused because of misfit shoes. Some shoes which have pointed ends in the front hold the toes together which cause crowding. This pressurises the toes, allowing the big toe to get inclined towards the neighbouring toe. Repeated use of such footwear can cause bunions. The feet should be aligned properly in order to ensure maximum functionality.

Other Factors Leading to Hallux Vagus Include: 

  • Overpronation means having a low arch, which causes uneven distribution of weight at the feet.
  • This leads to instability of bones and tendons.
  • When the toe bone moves unusually or most frequently, bunions may start to grow
  • Foot arthritis is also a major cause leading to hallux vagus
  • Foot injuries too can be held responsible

Whatever the cause may be, if you seek bunion treatment at clinics in Surrey or Dorking, in time you are most likely to get relieved of the pain and discomfort.

Wearing the Right Pair of Shoes Will Make Your Feet Comfortable

Today, people can barely think of stepping out without slipping into a comfortable pair of shoes or sandals. The footwear protects the feet from bearing extra weight and incurring damage which is commonplace when someone steps out barefooted. 

It is important for a person to choose shoes which are of appropriate size and shape lending considerable comfort to an individual.  Today, picking the right pair of shoes has become a concern. Choosing the perfect footwear is often a difficult task, which we fail to accomplish. 

Make Your Feet Comfortable

Pick What is Right 

Love your feet as much as you love your body, because if trouble starts with this part of your leg, things can turn worse. An insightful analysis has shed light on the subject, where it says that gout problems surge due to the impact of misfit or inappropriately designed shoes. Gout which arises due to excessive deposition of MSU or monosodium urate crystals can trigger when a person insists on wearing ill-fitted shoes. Furthermore, the research suggests the fact that footwear which lacks proper support and cushioning can lead to various foot deformities and problems. 

To reduce such chances, people should emphasise on wearing aptly designed shoes. If you regret wearing misfit shoes which have currently lead to gout or any other problem with your feet, visit a podiatrist in Surrey or in Dorking region. These experts may suggest intensive foot care. 

Why Design is Important 

Furthermore, researchers conducted studies on the area. After constant analysis on the subject, they have finally concluded that people with gout may need to consider wearing shoes in a particular design. Footwear designs contribute largely to the foot health of an individual. If a person experiences further issues, he is suggested seeking foot care in Surrey or at Dorking clinics. Surrey is a place where you can find a good number of foot care clinics. Similarly, people living in Dorking or at nearby places may seek remedial measures by consulting podiatrists hailing from the region. 

Comfort Should Come First 

It’s important for you to identify which footwear provides you with maximum comfort. You should not force your feet to move with a pair of inappropriate shoes that lack comfort. Some people do not even realise that they have been wearing the wrong pair until they are being given the best option to fit themselves in. Cushioning, right fit and lightweight often contribute to the comfort offered by footwear. The wrong pair leads to sore feet and various other issues which should be taken care of.

Why You Should Watch Out For Painful Fungal Toe Nails

If the toe nails are causing pain almost every time you try to walk, then there is a high chance that your toe-nails are invaded by a certain kind of fungus. Fungal infection can spread really fast and it needs to be checked by a medical intervention of a Podiatrist in Surrey or Dorking region. Adults, however, face this problem more than young individuals. The worst part is that fungal infection in toe nails can get adverse to a point where finger nails can get affected. The problem is scientifically derived as onychomycosis.

Toe Nails

Several Symptoms of Fungal Nails

Most often people suffering from onychomycosis have reported of the following symptoms:

  • Nail thickening
  • Nail discolouration
  • Nail crumbling
  • Scaly skin

Generally, people ignore these symptoms until it becomes too hard for them to deal with the pain. Fungal nails hurt a lot. The fungus starts to invade a certain part of a nail and rapidly continues to spread.  If you consult a podiatrist in Surrey or Dorking you will gain an understanding of the syndrome. Under a majority of instances, the fungus starts attacking the sides or tip of the nail, slowly crumbling them.

Experts who have shared their opinion on this have said that under most situations, the upper part of the nail starts showing white marks which is a common symptom of onychomycosis. The basal part of a nail is rarely affected by the fungus. Situations turn worse with time, causing pain in the foot, inhibiting one’s mobility to a great extent.

Micro Organisms That Cause Fungal Infection

If you were about to blame yourself for onychomycosis then here is something you would like to know. Fungal infections in toe and fingernails are caused by microorganisms namely a fungus referred to as dermatophytes. However, specialists say that even moulds and yeasts contribute to such infection. The problems arise when an adjoining skin area gets infected. A lot of times, doctors blame fungal skin infection of the feet for toe-nail infections.

There are, however, other conditions that trigger the organism to destroy your toe-nails. These may include damages or decreased flow of blood and diabetes. Also, at times the problem gets transferred to a human body genetically. Various other viruses can cause such issues to arise. Sometimes a podiatrist in Surrey may detect an infected toe nail by the appearance of it and may prescribe medication for the same.

Tips To Regain Foot Strength and Alignment Post Surgery

Taking care of your foot is essential if you want to prevent it from incurring further damage. There are a lot of people who want to avoid foot surgery with little knowledge that this could create more damage to their feet. However, for those who have undergone foot surgery in Surrey or at a clinic in Dorking, you may need some post surgery advice to speed up recovery. While sometimes post surgical pain drops soon after, at other times the discomfort may follow even after months of the surgery. There are some recovery techniques which when followed may reap great results.

Foot Surgery

A Little Know – How on What Goes On After a Foot Surgery

Regaining foot strength, after a medical procedure has been conducted on this particular body part is a major concern for patients. Also, people sometimes wonder if they will ever be able to regain flexibility of their foot.

Physical examinations and thorough reading of a person’s foot history are mostly taken into account in such cases. Considering the fact that most clinics offering foot surgery in Surrey, Dorking and other regions will offer their best assistance to ensure faster recovery, chances of post surgery risks should not be overruled. Post foot surgery at a Dorking or Surrey clinic, patients may be asked to keep their feet off any kind of stress, which is nearly impossible for most. However, in order to ensure that the foot which went through a surgery is under recovery, a person needs to follow these guidelines mentioned here:

Stay hopeful: the recovery process may take longer than expected and at times you may feel low. Remember, the first thing that can lead to a speedy recovery is hopefulness. The more positive and hopeful you stay, the faster the results. Concentrate more on preserving your foot health through natural ways. Stay hopeful as much as possible.

Avoid misfit footwear: You might not know this but your favourite footwear may be the underlying cause behind your foot ache; and post surgery you must identify if a particular pair of shoes is causing you trouble. Discard misfit shoes as soon as possible.

Wear only the right footgear: if you have recently undergone foot surgery in Surrey or at a clinic from a nearby region, it is important that you buy appropriate footgear to ease the pain. To regain the strength of the toes and heels and to make them look as much in shape, wear correct toes, toe socks and various other gears like metatarsal pads. They will help reposition your feet.

Relieve Yourself from Painful Bunions and Move Freely

Bunions are a common problem among older people. The issue is characterised when the big toe bends towards the other toes and a bony structure sprouts at the basal part of the toe joint. If the situation turns worse, bunion treatment is advised to the individual. It has been observed that the pain alleviates when the person suffering from bunions starts wearing wider shoes or padded footwear. This helps decrease pressure exerted on the big toe. If such measures don’t ease the pain, Bunion treatment in Dorking is needed.

Bunion correction

If you have recently developed a bunion, please don’t ignore as the situation can turn worse with time. It may permanently hinder your mobility. When you correct the position and structure of the big toe, not only will you be relieved from the acute pain, but you will notice your moving abilities to improve as well. Correcting a bunion is not easy. It may involve realigning the bone, tendons and ligaments.

Bunion treatment


Learn if you need bunion treatment

The bony structure that spurts out at the basal joint of the big toe may cause acute pain. However, at times, the individuals facing such nonalignment of the big toe may need to decide on bunion treatment in Surrey which will completely demand a surgical intervention. Under other circumstances, individuals may get lucky as experts may suggest them to seek non-surgical treatment to correct the toe issue.

Sometimes, choosing the right pair of shoes can help restrict the growth of the bony structure. It has been found that proper measures frequently help people avoid surgical intervention. Here are some aspects to consider before you choose a Bunion treatment Dorking involving surgery:

  • When the pain increases to a significant level, where you are unable to walk even the shortest distance. Persisting pain even after slipping into the right footwear.
  • When the condition turns chronic even after medication and rest
  • When the toe goes out of form and continues to drift towards the other toes and you literally have to face trouble walking.

When bunions progress, toe stiffness increases to a large extent and it becomes difficult to either bend or straighten the toes. Also, at this point in time, the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs fails.

A proper Bunion treatment  is desirable for individuals facing trouble moving their foot because of a sudden outgrowth. Mostly, patients are relieved from the pain and discomfort after surgery.

Get Immediate Cure for Painful Heel Conditions

One of the commonest complaints by people, heel pain demands immediate attention as it can further lead to complications which may turn fatal for patients. The painful situation arises when an individual faces an ankle or foot disorder for some reason. How many of you have encountered under-surface foot pain or ache at the hind region of the heel? While in earlier days, this pain was common among people in their mid-fifties and sixties, today the problem surfaces among individuals in their thirties or so. Most of the times, patients complain that ache intensifies, prohibiting them from making further movements. Imagine if you were to face this situation where you will be forced to stay stationed at a place because of tremendous pain at the heel. If you consult a chiropodist in Surrey, you can, however, be recommended some medication and exercise to alleviate the pain and finally find a cure.

Chiropodist Surrey

The factors leading to foot or heel pain

There are several factors that trigger heel pain and if you visit a chiropodist in Dorking, you will eventually learn how they are caused. If recently you are unable to stand on your foot for long, difficulties in walking, running or while doing any activity, you may need to visit a specialist soon. Plantar fasciitis is one of the conditions which may inhibit lower limb reliance of a person. This is a disorder where the thick fibrous structure present between the heel and the toe gets swollen. When treated without delay, the condition can be cured fast. Did you know the most common factor triggering such painful disorder can be the footwear you regularly slip into? Plantar fasciitis can also occur when a person is suffering from obesity, where his foot can no longer bear the weight of the upper or lower parts of the body. Anomalous foot mechanism can cause this. So, watch what you eat and don’t put on weight as this can hinder your regular movements. For any difficulty that you may be facing pertaining to foot pain, consult a chiropodist in Surrey.

Achilles Tendonitis

The tendon known as the Achilles tendon is the biggest and also the strongest of all tendons present in our body. The calf muscle is connected to your heel bone because of this tendon, which mostly allows you to walk, jump or even run. Achilles tendonitis is basically an inflammation of the tendon which happens due to stress or overuse. Sometimes patients ignore the condition, and this results in a chronic condition otherwise called the Achilles tendonitis. To avoid such situations from cropping up it is needful that a person seeks advanced treatment from a recognised Chiropodist in Surrey.

Here’re some suggestions to handle your ingrown nails with 3 simple steps

Going For Foot Surgery? 5 Things EVERY Patient Should Keep In Mind

Undergoing surgery to restore the function of feet is imperative for patients suffering from foot conditions. Here’s what to consider when undergoing foot surgery.

So you have been recommended to undergo surgery for your orthopedic foot conditions. But, with the date of operation coming up, are you wondering if you are ready for surgical treatment? Perplexed if surgery is really appropriate for alleviating your discomfort? Fear not! All you need to do is consider a few factors before your foot surgery.

Whether you are dealing with a deformity, a painful foot injury or a disease, consulting a podiatrist can be your most viable option. With their extensive knowledge, leading podiatrists can suggest the best treatment to help you relieve pain and live a healthy, normal lifestyle. But, there are certain conditions which necessitate treating with surgical methods, or the condition may get worse. It is here that the need for undergoing feet surgery comes to the picture.

Here’s what you should take into consideration before undergoing surgery for your foot conditions.


Foot SurgeryVital Aspects To Keep In Mind When Choosing Foot Surgery

Ask Questions To The Podiatrist

Patients need to be confident, knowledgeable and comfortable as possible both before and after the surgery. This is because; the more informed you are, the better decisions you can make and the better prepared you are for aftercare. So, instead of being afraid to ask questions, consider asking your doctor to clarify anything you don’t understand.

Quit Alcohol & Smoking

Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption can have a significantly negative effect on the surgery and can reduce your blood circulation. This increases the risk of post-surgical complications and infections to a great extent. Cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking can slow down your healing process after the surgery. So, the earlier you give up smoking and alcohol, the better.

Take Your Pre-Surgical Instructions Seriously

The best podiatrist will give you a list of instructions which you need to follow for the day of surgery. For instance, if your surgical method requires general anaesthesia, the specialist may ask not to eat or drink anything after midnight. Some of the other common instructions which you may need to follow include bringing essential documents and wearing loose-fitted clothes. Keep in mind that following these instructions is important for your health.

Prepare For Your Recovery Beforehand

Almost every surgery involves some downtime during the recovery process. While you may be allowed moderate weight bearing right away in minor procedures, you need to keep your feet off completely for a few weeks in the more serious ones. Think about how such kind of reduced mobility will affect your ability to accomplish basic tasks like bathing, sleeping, cooking, etc. and prepare for them proactively.

Follow The After-Care Instructions

The success of any surgical procedure ultimately depends on how efficiently you manage your aftercare. Your doctor will give timelines and instructions on matters like diet, bathing, weight bearing, rehab and you need to take them to heart. Keep in mind that disregarding the instructions will affect your healing process.

Time to schedule an appointment with a reputed podiatrist!

Suffering From Diabetes? 5 Foot Care Tips For Healthy Summer Feet

Do you know you might be at increased risk for foot problems and infections during the summer if you are diabetic? Well, for patients diagnosed with diabetes, even simple activities like wearing sandals or going barefoot on the beach during summer can be dangerous. Wondering how to enjoy the summer months even with diabetes? Fear not! All you need is summer foot care.

Foot Care Treatment

Diabetes has taken over the world like an epidemic. People with diabetes suffer from abnormal blood sugar levels. And, with the summer heat being rife with dangers which are specific to diabetic patients, experts say that steps need to be taken to maintain proper blood sugar level. This is because high blood sugar levels may cause nerve damage and infections leading to diabetic foot. If not treated properly, this can be double trouble since it can lead to foot amputation.

Here’re some suggestions you must follow for ensuring healthy feet during the summer months.

Useful Summer Foot Care Tips For People With Diabetes

Maintain Proper Blood Sugar Levels

Patients suffering from diabetes need to keep a proper blood sugar level of 80 to 130 mg/dL before food and not more than 180 mg/dL 2 hours after having food. Exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy diet and taking proper medication as prescribed by the doctor can help in ensuring proper glucose levels.

Inspect Your Feet Regularly

When was the last time you took a careful look at your feet? For patients suffering from diabetes, it’s important to inspect their feet daily. Podiatrists suggest people with diabetes to check their feet both before putting shoes on and after taking them off. You need to check on your toes, between your toes as well as in your shoe for any kind of debris.

Visit A Chiropodist

Scheduling appointments with the best chiropodist on a regular basis is important for patients suffering from diabetes. During the hot summer months, your feet are at increased risk for fungal infections due to excess moisture and heat. So, visiting your chiropodist regularly during the summer months can help in ensuring healthy feet as much as possible.

Avoid Walking Barefoot

Taking a barefoot walk through the sand can indeed be very tempting. But ocean debris, broken glass, and seashells can affect the skin of your feet, causing infection. Even sidewalks or hot sand can cause burns on your feet. So, it is always advisable to wear shoes whenever you go outside.

Moisturise Your Feet

Using lotion is important for diabetic patients, especially during the hot summer months since it is easy for the skin on their feet to dry out. Experts advise you to apply a thin coat of the lotion on the bottom as well as top of your feet. However, you should avoid putting the lotion in between the toes. This is because; excess moisture often leads to fungal infections.

Time to schedule an appointment with a leading podiatrist!

6 Common Foot Conditions People Often Mistake For A Bunion

So, you developed a lump on your feet near the big toe. Waking up to terrible foot pain lately? Are you assuming it to be a bunion? Making an appointment with a renowned podiatrist can be the ideal way to identify the actual cause of your foot pain and get the right treatment. Wondering why? Well, there are numerous foot problems which look like bunions but are not.

Bunions are lumps of bony tissues which form on the outside of the joint between the big toe and the rest of your foot. Caused by the metatarsal bone in your feet and the misalignment of your toe, bumps cause excess friction on the side of your foot, leading to corns and calluses. However, you need to know that not every foot condition which causes lumps on your feet is a bunion.

Read on to check out the foot problems which look like a bunion but aren’t.

Foot Care Treatment

From The Best Podiatrist: Foot Problems Which Resemble Bunions But Aren’t

Big Toe Joint Arthritis

One of the most common bunion look-alike foot conditions is arthritis of the big toe joint. Big toe joint arthritis causes swelling which resembles bunion on the side of your foot. It even causes foot pain when putting pressure on your foot or walking.

One of the hallmarks of this foot condition is Hallux rigidus which causes bone spurs to develop in the joint. This deformity leads to inflammation and irritation of the skin, making the bump resemble more like a bunion. While the bony prominence is on the side in bunions, bone spurs with arthritis tend to occur above the big toe joint.


Gout is a particular kind of arthritis, which develops when high levels of uric acid develop internal crystals in the joints. This is a common problem which affects the toes and feet, causing the area to become red and swollen, which leads to it being mistaken for bunions. The sharp internal crystal of gout causes intense pain and decreases mobility. Chiropodists can treat gout with medication to lessen the pain and inflammation.

Ganglion Cyst

Ganglion cysts are non-cancerous tumors which form around the big toe joint. These cysts are firm fluid-filled sacs which occur all over the body and are often confused with bunions. Ganglion cysts are correlated to joint trauma and often cause pain when the affected joint is moved. Ganglions can be differentiated from bunions by feel since ganglions are softer to touch in comparison to bunions.

Never try to remove or pop a cyst on your own. Experts recommend making an appointment with a podiatrist for a diagnosis.

Foot Care


Bursitis is a common cause of swelling and redness which occurs over joints, usually from direct external pressure. The big toe joint is prone to bursitis since it tolerates the entire weight of the body when you walk and can cause irritation from shoes. The bursa is a trapped inflammatory fluid between your underlying bone and skin. The condition is very painful and can often lead to the formation of calcium deposits in the joint, amplifying in the pain.

Bony Prominence

One of the greatest misconceptions with foot problems is that bunions are consequences of bone, which can be easily shaved off. Though bunions are different from bone growths, the underlying bone may often be prominent and enlarged, giving the resemblance of a bunion. While it’s common for bony enlargements to occur with bunions, they even occur when the bunion is absent.

Misalignment In The Ankle Or Foot

Misalignment anywhere in the body can lead to intense pain. For instance, if your ankle is misaligned, the small muscles and tendons in your foot will be affected. Not only will this pull the other bones out of proper alignment, but also lead to irritation and pain in your toes, up through your legs, knees and hips. Misalignment can even cause inflammation in the arch of your foot. Consulting an experienced podiatrist can be the best way to keep your foot properly aligned.

Now that you are aware of the common foot problems, what are you still here for? Quickly schedule an appointment with a chiropodist and seek his advice on good foot care. Time to ensure healthy feet and ankle!